Two views, including epipolar geometry, the calibrated case, small motions, the uncalibrated case and weak calibration
Three views, including trifocal geometry, the calibrated case, the uncalibrated case and estimation of the trifocal tensor
More views
Reconstruction, including image rectification
Human stereopsis
Binocular fusion, including correlation, multi-scale edge matching and dynamic programming
Using more cameras, including trinocular stereo and more than three cameras
Affine Structure from Motion
The elements of affine geometry, including affine spaces, subspaces, coordinates, transformation and projection models
Affine structure and motion from two images, including geometric scene reconstruction and algebraic motion estimation
Affine structure and motion from multiple images, including the affine structure of affine image sequences and a factorization approach to affine structure from motion
From affine to Euclidean images, including Euclidean constraints, calibrated affine cameras and computing Euclidean upgrades from multiple views
Affine motion segmentation, including the reduced form of the data matrix and the shape interaction matrix
Projective Structure from Motion
Elements of projective geometry, including projective spaces, subspaces, duality, coordinates, transformations and shape
Projective structure and motion from binocular correspondences, including geometric scene reconstruction and algebraic motion estimation
Projective motion estimation from multilinear constraints, including motion estimation from fundamental matrices and motion estimation from trifocal tensors
Projective structure and motion from multiple images, including a factorization approach and bundle adjustment