Obtaining hypotheses by pose consistency, including pose consistency and perspective cameras, affine and projective camera models and linear combinations of models
Obtaining hypotheses by pose clustering
Obtaining hypotheses using invariants, including invariants for plane figures, geometric hashing and invariants and indexing
Verification, including edge proximity and similarity in texture pattern and intensity
Application: registration in medical imaging systems, including imaging modes, applications of registration and geometric hashing techniques in medical imaging
Elements of differential geometry, including curves and surfaces
Contour geometry, including the occluding contour, cusps and inflections of the image contour and Koenderink's theorem
Aspect Graphs
Visual events: more differential geometry, including the geometry of the Gauss map, assymptotic curves, local visual events, the bitangent ray manifold and multilocal visual events
Computing the aspect graph, including tracing visual events, constructing the regions and examples
Aspect graphs and object localization
Range Data
Active range sensors
Range data segmentation, including elements of analytical differential geometry, finding step and roof edges in range data and segmenting range data into planar regions
Range data registration and model acquisition, including quaternions, the iterative closest point method and fusing range images
Object recognition, including matching using interpretation trees and spin images