UIUC CS-588 Autonomous Vehicle System Engineering Outline

This page contains what we've done



Week of Topic Reading Materials Movie List
18 Jan
  • 18 Jan: Admin+intro
  • 21 Jan: Safety lookout training at High Bay
Old safety lookout video, for reference
25 Jan
  • 25 Jan: ROS and start PID control
  • 27 Jan: I'm absent Simple neural networks
    • Deep nets: Units; AML: 16.1
    • Deep nets: Gradients; AML: 16.2
    • Deep nets: Backpropagation; AML 16.3
    • Deep nets: Gradient tricks; AML 16.4
    • Deep nets: Convolutional layers; AML 17.1
    • Deep nets: More conv. layers; AML 17.1, 17.2
    • Basic object detection: AML 19
1 Feb
  • 1 Feb: Finish PID control, start motion planning
  • 3 Feb: more simple motion planning
8 Feb
  • 8 Feb: Point set registration and IRLS
  • 10 Feb: Cameras
Enrichment movie Enrichment notes
15 Feb
  • 15 Feb: Camera Calibration, start pairs of cameras
  • 17 Feb: Pairs of cameras and Visual Odometry
Enrichment notes
22 Feb
  • 22 Feb: Filtering and Kalman Filter
  • 24 Feb: I'm on Travel - review notes