D.A. Forsyth --- 3310 Siebel Center

The interior of a sunken 727, in low light.




Homework 5: Due 12 Mar 2018 23h59 (Mon; midnight)


You may do this homework in groups of up to 3 contributors. Groups of 1 or of 2 are just fine, too. A group can consist of any mixture of any type of student (MSCS-DS/Online/Face). We do not offer coordination services for complex group interactions, and you may want to take this into account when forming your group.

Submission: Homework 5 submission details as for earlier homeworks.

You may use any programming language that amuses you for this homework, BUT it's much easier in R (just use lm)


Do exercise 7.9, 7.10 and 7.11 in the Jan 15 version of the course text