CS-498 Applied Machine Learning: Announcements
- Travel commitments force me to miss lecture on 31 Jan. You should:
- Read chapter 3; you need to be sure you understand 3.1. The following sections are easy, and useful
to have read, but we won't use them.
- If it helps, here's a movie of one of my lectures on the topic.
- Travel commitments force me to miss lecture on 21 Feb. You should:
- Read chapter 8
- If it helps, here is:
- a movie on agglomerative and divisive clustering.
- a movie on k-means.
- a movie on applying k-means.
- Nuisance viruses and pandemic precautions force me to
miss lecture on 13 Mar. You should:
- Read chapter 11, up to 11.4 (i.e. up to L1 Regularization
and Sparse Models)
- If it helps, here are movie references: