CS-419 Production Computer Graphics
MP - 6
Using whatever programming tools and languages you favour, implement the methods of ONE of these papers:
- Image quilting for texture synthesis and transfer
AA Efros, WT Freeman - Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001
- If you do this paper, you should show several synthesized textures. You do not need to do texture transfer, just texture synthesis, but I will offer extra credit for texture transfer. Your examples should indicate where the overlap is working, and where it fails. You should show what happens when the patch size changes.
- Image analogies
A Hertzmann, CE Jacobs, N Oliver, B Curless, D. Salesin, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001
- If you do this paper, you should show at least one example of a painterly rendering of a photograph, and one example where one "moves things around" in an aerial picture. Your examples should include pointers to where the method fails and where it works. I will offer extra credit for a colorization example as well, and for a superresolution example as well.
- Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing
S Avidan, A Shamir - ACM SIGGRAPH, 2007
- If you do this paper, you should show several really nice examples, and several failures. I will offer extra credit for video and for improvements along the lines suggested by "Improved seam carving for video retargeting," M Rubinstein, A Shamir, S Avidan - ACM Transactions on Graphics-TOG, 2008, but you will need to name them to claim them.
You may do this exercise individually, in pairs, or in groups of three. I'm looking for flash looking results, which is fairly hard work. Images are due by the start of the final exam, 08h00 Wed 8 May. Email them to me at daf@uiuc.edu, with "CS419" in the header