CS-498 Applied Machine Learning - Homework 1

CS-498 Applied Machine Learning

D.A. Forsyth --- 3310 Siebel Center

daf@uiuc.edu, daf@illinois.edu

15:30 - 16:45 OR 3.30 pm-4.45 pm, in old money
1320 Digital Computer Laboratory


Mariya Vasileva mvasile2@illinois.edu

Sili Hui silihui2@illinois.edu

Daeyun Shin dshin11@illinois.edu

Ayush Jain ajain42@illinois.edu

Office Hours:

Ayush Tue, Thu - 17h00-18h00 or 5-6 pm in old money

Daeyun Thu - 11h00-13h00 or 11 am-1 pm in old money

Mariya Wed - 15h00-17h00 or 3 - 5 pm in old money

Sili Thur - 12h00-14h00 or 12 - 2 pm in old money

DAF Mon - 14h00-15h00, Fri - 14h00-15h00

or swing by my office (3310 Siebel) and see if I'm busy

Evaluation is by: Homeworks and take home final.

I will shortly post a policy on collaboration and plagiarism





Homework 1: Due 1 Feb 2016 23h59 (Mon; midnight)


You should do this homework on your own -- one submission per student, and by submitting you are certifying the homework is your work.

Submission: Homework 1 submission details TBA.


  1. Do problem 2.1 (Pima Indians Classification). This needs R, and you should do it in R; we'll support other environments in following homeworks.