CS-498 Applied Machine Learning
D.A. Forsyth --- 3310 Siebel Center
daf@uiuc.edu, daf@illinois.edu
13:00 - 14:15 OR 1.00 pm-2.15 pm (in old fashioned time)
1404 Siebel Center
Tanmay Gangwani gangwan2@illinois.edu
Jiajun Lu jlu23@illinois.edu
Jason Rock jjrock2@illinois.edu
Anirud Yadav ayadav4@illinois.edu
Office Hours
- DAF: Mon 10-11 and Fri 2:30 - 3:30
- Jason: Mon 11-12 and Tues 1:30 - 2:30
- Jiajun: Tues 2:30 - 3:30 and Wed 5 - 6
- Anirud: Wed 1-2 and Thur 4 - 5
- Tanmay: Mon 4 - 5 and Fri 4 - 5
Video Lectures
I am away 1 Feb, 3 Feb. These videos are what I would have said. Watch them
- I'm travelling 23, 24 Jan, so you won't find me at OH then:
or swing by my office (3310 Siebel) and see if I'm busy
Evaluation is by: Homeworks and take home final.
I will shortly post a policy on collaboration and plagiarism
please complete this. I intend it to be anonymous (but don't fully understand google forms, so...) and it will help me know what you know already. Please don't fill in lots of forms to bias, etc.
Read the textbook. I wrote it specifically for this course, AND it's free. I will split time in lecture between sketching important points described in the text, and solving problems. If you haven't read the text, this might be quite puzzling.
Required Text:
Applied Machine Learning Notes, D.A. Forsyth, (approximate 9'th draft)
Piazza link
this course (which is now right, I believe)
I'm a video star! (or at least, I have been filmed)
Backup Material:
Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists, D.A. Forsyth, (approximate 12'th draft)
Notes I made in class:
Code fragments I showed in class:
I've cleaned some of these up a bit, but they're not intended to be production code, etc;
just to show some R tricks
- A naive bayes classifier on the Pima indians dataset; I averaged over 10 test train splits, and ignored examples with NA values; mainly interesting for simple code tricks. File here.
- A naive bayes classifier on the Pima indians dataset; I averaged over 10 test train splits, but now I used examples with NA values both in train and test; mainly interesting for simple code tricks. File here.
- A naive bayes classifier on the Pima indians dataset, using Klar and Caret; mainly interesting for simple code tricks. File here.
- An SVM on the Pima indians dataset, using Klar and Caret and SVMLight; mainly interesting for simple code tricks. File here.
- A much more elaborate SVM on the Pima indians dataset, using Klar and Caret and SVMLight. File here.
R resources: