Notes from Manav Mehra and Bhavana Jain: Ros Commands - Remove Parking brakes. - Ensure PACMOD is working through joystick by firing the joystick demo Rostopic list //List all the available topics to publish the message Rostopic type /pacmod/as_rx/topic_cmd | rosmsg show //Syntax for the message For example, Rostopic type /pacmod/as_rx/turn_cmd | rosmsg show To start the turn signal rostopic pub [-l|-r|-1] [type] [msg_type] args //-l to latch the message unless terminated using ^C, -r to send the message at a specified rate (10 Hz), -1 to latch the message once. For example, rostopic pub -l /pacmod/as_rx/turnn_cmd pacmod_msgs/PacmodCmd ‘{header: auto, ui16_cmd: 0}’ \\Turns on the right indicator rostopic pub -l /pacmod/as_rx/turnn_cmd pacmod_msgs/PositionWithSpeed ‘{header: auto, angular_position: -10, angular_velocity_limit: 10}’ \\Turns the steering wheel Right, for left pass positive value for angular_position Corrections: There are minor typos in those lines (two ns in turnn, etc.). As below works: rostopic pub -l /pacmod/as_rx/turn_cmd pacmod_msgs/PacmodCmd "{header: auto, ui16_cmd: 0}" rostopic pub -l /pacmod/as_rx/steer_cmd pacmod_msgs/PositionWithSpeed "{header: auto, angular_position: -10, angular_velocity_limit: 10}"