CS 498 Probability and Statistics for Computer Science Undergraduates

CS 498 Probability and Statistics for Computer Science Undergrads.




We meet in 1214 Siebel, MWF, 11h00-11h50.

Office Hours: Tu, Thur, 10h00-11h00

or swing by my office (3310 Siebel) and see if I'm busy

Evaluation is by: Homeworks, Midterm, Final exam

I will shortly post a policy on collaboration and plagiarism




Exams and practice stuff

Example MATLAB files

Gambler's ruin examples

MTGDAF examples





  1. Homework 1, due 10 Sep.
  2. Homework 2, due 17 Sep.
  3. Homework 3, due 8 Oct.
  4. Homework 4, due 31 Oct.
  5. Homework 5, due 16 Nov.
  6. Final Project, due 14 Dec