CS-419 Production Computer Graphics

D.A. Forsyth 3310 Soda Hall

daf@uiuc.edu, daf@illinois.edu

MWF 1103 Siebel, 10h00-10h50

Office hours: MWF after class or 13h00-14h00


Leftover questions from past final exams in homologous courses (in PDF)

Fall 2010 final exam - notice that questions 2, 3 and 7 are irrelevant (in PDF)

MP-1, due 10 Feb 2012.

MP-2, due 2 Mar 2012.

MP-3, due 26 Mar 2012.

MP-4, due 2 April 2012.

MP-5, due 16 April 2012.

MP-6, due 8 May 2012.



Class Newsgroup

The newsgroup for CS419 already exists as class.fa10.cs419.

https://news.cs.illinois.edu/ has links to some web-based newsreaders as
well as documentation for configuring your newsreader to connect to the
newsgroup server. The instructions/configuration has changed, so if it
was configured prior to this fall, you may need to make some changes to
continue using it.


Major topics:

Rendering - I

Resources for Rendering

Image processing

Rendering - II




